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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Jack's Place in OneUtama

i have heard from quite a few different people that the set lunches in Jack's Place is quite yummy and worth the money! So I decided to drop by for a try.

Gluttons food rating : 7/10
Gluttons ambiance rating :7/10
Gluttons service rating : 2/10

Their service... was SO BAD THAT I ALMOST PUKED BLOOD!

They ignored us. Was SUPER rude. especially this one chinese old dude.

tho. they had many promotions which i think are quite worth it la.

the typical lunch set. which was for rm13.80 i think. not too sure. around that range, which is quite worth it la. you can also upgrade to executive set lunch for a bit extra amount of cash.

they also hve the student set promo, but only for school kids.

the place was quite cozy, with good lightings and nice music.

the soup that came with the set lunch. i would say the bread that came with the soup was really nice.

the bad part is... there were 3 of us. and only one ordered the set lunch that came with the soup. on the table lay 3 spoons on 3 place mats.

the waiter, took those two spoons away, looked at us straight in the eyes and said "i'll take the spoons away so you won't be succumb to the temptation of sharing, since only one of you ordered it."

WHOA LIKE WTF?! hello, one person order, the rest cannot share is it? and you think we're so dumb, we can't use the one spoon amongst the 3 of us?

since where there are rules about no sharing of food? or no sharing of set lunches? HELLO??! it's not stated anywhere that we could see!

the drinks. fresh orange and iced coffee. these are ala carte drinks.

fried chicken wings. ordered from side dishes. it was not bad, but the portion was small. they stated 6 pieces of wings for RM9.80. so we thought it'll be like.. 6 whole wings. but it came in 6 lil wings. means.... just 3 whole wings. do you get what i mean? bah. nvm.

ordered ala carte. fish and chips. taste very ordinary. just normal fish and chips.

the dory fillet for the set lunch. yes, i have to admit, it was kinda delicious despite the bad service.

the coffee and dessert that was comes with the set lunch.

i asked the coffee to be served first. and through out the entire meal... we ask many different waiters where is the coffee?

their reply was... "coming""on the way" bla DEE BLAH!

it NEVER CAME! until when i was waiting for the dessert looooooooooooooong after we're done with our meals.

yeah. we kept asking for them to hurry serve the desserrt coz we're rushing... yes,i was REALLY rushing for class after lunch.

but NO. they had to take AGES to serve it. though its just.. ready made dessert.

you know which came the fastest when we called for it?

the bill. :/

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We were gluttons at.. 10:02 PM

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Big Apple Donuts & Coffee

hehe, by now, i'm sure everyone has heard of Big Apple Donuts & Coffee, the new donut outlet in the Curve... took us AGES to blog about it, coz we just can't stop going over there to buy it by the dozens :p so yeah, we were too busy eating. diet failed. hehe.

They're located just right beside.....

the toilet. =.=

well.. you walk along the curve, and see italianies and such on your left, and spot the new restaurant/bar called the apartment, and take a left turn.

it'll be hard to miss coz you will be able to smell the beeeyoootiful donuts' aroma drafting you and pulling you towards them :D

their pricing would be..
1 for RM2
1/2 dozen for RM9.50

1 dozen for RM17.00

yumminess!! (definitely better than the huge donut chain you find around msia *smirk*)

the iceberg, and blueberry donut.

hm, i would say my personal favorite is the regular sugar glazed donut (no pic, sorry!). tho its plain donut with sugar glazed on it... the taste.. its like biting into cloud, and your mouth will be filled with this soft chewy cotton candy, except that the sweetness is just nice!

a close 2nd would be the oreo one :)

however, a lot of people i've talked to mentioned that they also fancy the iceberg, and also the peanut butter ones.

hehe. so guess what is the best solution we gluttons have thought off?

just buy a dozen with all different flavors! they all taste so good individually anyway! :D


We were gluttons at.. 2:24 AM

Friday, July 6, 2007
Roti Bakar Telur Cheese

Spicy Kitchen
(Manjalara and Desa Sri Hartamas)

Roti bakar Telur Cheese is the bomb! if you havent tried it. please now go to Hartamas or Manjalara to have some roti bakar telur cheese!

It is actually french toast with cheese in between. super yummy can die, i tell you!

I tried making it at home, but it wasn't that nice.

I guess its the old oil the mamak uses and the amount of oil they use (TOTALLY FAT).

But yummy...

must try!

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We were gluttons at.. 11:22 PM

Tong Kee tarts

omg, yummylicious! Just look at it. now im craving for it.

Chocolate Tart, only RM1 :)


Egg Tart and Siew Pau.

The Egg tart is very nice. Its not like those Portuguese Egg Tart but normal egg tart. My brother's gf once bought like 1/2 dozen, but i had chicken pox then, so like, cannot eat. I finally got to eat it that day, and yumss.. been eating it ever since. heehee.

the Siew Pau is not halal. Pork in it. It was okay la. cannot fight Seremban Siew Pau.
lol. thats what i think la!:) heehee.

Which Siew Pau do you think is the best?

Tong Kee is located in many many places.

The one in Kepong is at Jalan Mergastua. I think they have one in Sri Petaling and also in Pudu.

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We were gluttons at.. 11:14 PM

Curry Mee!

Iced Milo.

The bestest curry me ever! muahhahaha.
already half eaten. cos i was too hungry after church.

this place is located in Kepong Baru.
Jalan Kuang Bulan,Taman Kepong.

We call it the catholic shop. Because a lot of my church members go there after mass for breakfast. lol.

opens daily in the mornings.


We were gluttons at.. 11:00 PM

Hot Cakes at Mcdees

ok, so we ate this quite long ago.


McDees Bandar Utama, the one beside Centre Point, has HOT CAKES!:)

They look like this:

Hotcakes are basically, pancakes...and you get to choose if you want syrup on it or ice cream...

It was really delish!

Note that if you want to add more chocolate souce: TAMBAH RM0.50!

hahaha giler.

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We were gluttons at.. 9:52 PM

Delicious, again

Delicious, Bangsar Village II

this time, i ate at a different Delicious at Bangsar Village II

OK, so its the same restaurant. so everything was kinda same. menu and such. Read the previous entry.

For the service, i must say, BVII's Delicious was quite bad. I mean, it is hard to get a waiter/tress when we need them. Then when we wanted to pay, we put the cash on the little booklet...then, it came back to us, the SAME AMOUNT. We could have gone home with our cash, since they gave us back our "change" right? lol.

but of course we did not!:) noble people. hahahahhahaha

Gluttons food rating : 8/10
Gluttons ambiance rating : 8/10
Gluttons service rating : 5/10

anyways, here are the visuals..

had their lovely mash again....This time, the portions were SMALLER! omg. so not worth it. better go back to 1U, where the chef is more generous with their portions.

French Onion Soup with Melting cheese Crostini RM11.90
It was kinda funky tasting..lol loads of onions(duh!) and veges. ahahahhaha.

Carbonara Spaghettini with Wild mushrooms, beef bacon , Oregano and Cream RM17.90
This was just yummylicious. The cream was thick enough, but not too thick until you get sick of it. Carbonara is glutton's fav!:) but Elaine can't have beef. boohoo. :P

Thats all.


how boring.

pointless post.

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We were gluttons at.. 9:31 PM

Feed Us


Karen and Elaine is on a strict diet and exercise thingimajig.
We also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to eat!
That is why, we're eating and sharing to the world the things we eat.
Email us at gluttonsonadiet at gmail dot com or just drop us a comment!:)

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